Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Star Trek Babes - Season 1, Ep. 24: "A Taste of Armageddon"

Talk about weird stuff going on. In A Taste of Armageddon, the crew visits a planet that's using computer simulation (basically a video game) to fight a war with another planet. Since its just a high tech video game thingie, no one really gets killed during "the war". Instead, the planet that "lost" a certain number of people in "the game" must have that many people taken to a chamber where they actually DO GET KILLED! Leave it to Capt. Kirk and crew to clean up this mess.

Yes, Captain, I shave them every day. Anything else?
Landing crew with nice beauty Yeoman Tamura played by Miko Mayama
Mea 3 of Planet Eminiar played by actress Barbara Babcock
Mea 3 in very black tights
Mr. Spock, by any chance is it your pon farr time yet? I'm available.
Mr. Scotty, sir, what a strange place to keep your phaser gun? Wait, is that a gun?
Sorry, Mr. Captain, did I embarrass you by saying your fly is open?
More about Miko Mayama...
She was born in the U.S. in 1939. Appeared in several movies and TV shows during the 1960's and 70's, including M*A*S*H, Kojak, Hawaii Five-O, and The Beverly Hillbillies. Had a brief affair with actor Burt Reynolds while filming Deliverance in 1972.
In this brief 1-minute clip, Miko Mayama appears modeling a bikini and her top falls off. (It was made for TV, so don't get your hopes up on seeing anything really good).

More about Barbara Babcock...
She won an Emmy Award for her role in Hill Street Blues and was nominated for another for Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. Born in the U.S. in 1937, but lived mostly in Japan because her father was a general for the Army stationed there. At the time of this blog post she is 78 years old.

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