Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Star Trek Babes - Season 1, Ep. 14: "The Conscience of the King"

Okay, so some guy out in space acting in Shakespeare plays might be a mass murderer long ago and has changed his identity to hide his secret. And his daughter is helping this killer so that nobody finds out. There.

The good part. Some decent hotties in this one.

Actress Natalie Norwick (1923-2007) played Martha Leighton, the wife of Doctor Thomas Leighton. Doctor Leighton is the one who suspects that the Shakespearean actor, Anton Karidian, is Kodos the Executioner.

Actress Barbara Anderson played Lenore Karidian, the mass killer's daughter. Barbara Anderson was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1945. At the time of this blog post she is 68 years old.

It may be of interest to note that this was the final episode in which Yeoman Janice Rand appears.

Martha Leighton (actress Natalie Norwick)

Lenore Karidian (actress Barbara Anderson). Amazing eyes!

Captain Kirk with Lenore. Where is his hand going?

Lenore with a mini fur coat and sparkly stockings. Obviously has the Captain turned on.

Lenore and Yeoman Rand; competition for the Captain is on.

1 comment:

  1. Few people realized this girl was 19yr. old in this eoisode.!!! Jim... Jim... Jim.. isn't she a little young, even for you? Apparently NOT!!!
